2018, Estonie
F22 is the first piece I ever exhibited. I didn't know exactly what I was doing at the time, I just knew I wanted to do it. 
It's a project I made in Tallinn, Estonia in 2018. It was funded by Erasmus+. 
The participants are Merilyn Jaeski, Elisabeth Egel, Katrin Margus and Anton Serdjukov.

Here is the presentation text that accompanied this project: 
For many years, the sense of sight has been considered superior to the others in our societies. This was mentioned for the first time by Aristotle. Nowadays, there are many discussions between philosophers and scientists regarding this hierarchy of senses. But in the meantime, humans have been evolving and growing for hundreds of years considering sight as their main sense.
Scientists say people perceive up to 80% of all their impressions through sight. Yet, the blind could read just with the sense of touch. For them, tasks like moving around and avoiding obstacles are possible only with the help of the ears. They can recognize someone only by the person's voice, smell or footsteps. 
This project attempts to examine this hierarchy of senses by combining landscape photography and audio description made by visually impaired persons. ​​​​​​​
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